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Thread: Is it realy possible to make enough hho to run 100%hho

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Great posts ElectroNut, the fact that they weren't appreciated by some just highlights their level of ignorance.

    Evidently there are some people here that are simply not interested in learning or understanding real science, while no doubt others are simply incapable of doing so.

    Some of you people could really learn something from ElectroNut. Real science - not just wild conjecture, fantasy, and Meyers Magical Mystery World. How refreshing! However, I guess the maths and science is just a little too complicated for primitive minds - clearly it's much easier to instead resort to spouting utter drivell.

    It's a shame really, as I very much doubt ElectroNut will bother posting again when he has to contend with the mindless ramblings from the likes of HawkNo1 and waterbugs, who I don't doubt for a second even bothered to read ElectroNut's posts, let alone digest them. Much easier to live in a fantasy world where things just happen by magic, eh.

    Nice try ElectroNut, but you don't stand a chance of educating the mentally challenged and clueless idiots that are neither interested in learning or opening their minds to anything resembling facts. I guess you'd be pointlessly bashing your head against that wall forever and a day. The truth is you'd have better luck conversing with single-celled organisms!

    It's what you learn after you think you know it all that really counts!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by HawkNo1 View Post
    Okay, then you prove to me mathematically that this is not so. I have "?" and asked for you to correct me if I am wrong. I do not see any corrections in your rude comments. So who you working for first off? What makes you the expert if you can not do the math. I am going by what I have read on the net from other HHO sites? Then I am using simple deduction. How much does a liter of water expand too in HHO? I know one thing, 1 gallon of water has more energy in it than a gallon of gasoline. If you can get 200 miles per gallon of gasoline or for the sake of argument even 100 MPG then it is easily obtainable in water to do the same once it is broken down to Hydrogen and Oxygen. So lets see the math. Put your money where your mouth is in other words. What you have been showing me so far is a bunch of bull. Show us all the truth since your are suppose to be the expert I am suppose to believe on your say so alone? Yea right. Let's see it. You saying that for over a century that all the scientist who claimed there was a inexhaustible source of power in water that is far superior in every way to gasoline is now all the sudden a myth? I want to see the math to prove it? Not the math used on electrolysis either because Meyer's did not use electrolysis. This is not electrolysis and you are not including the extra EMF coming from the shut down of electricity to the WFC or capacitor that also could be used to charge batteries and supply more energy. I took electronics and this is basic info in electronics. Show me the math? Show me how much HHO comes out of a gallon of water? I was told it was 30 times whatever the amount of water is. Show me the truth here? Correct me! Then I will recalculate it correctly if I am wrong.

    Also the patents office refused to patent Meyer's patent until he took the machine into the office and demonstrated his claims. They freaked when they saw he was producing HHO in the building at that volume.

    The only reason Meyer's was judged as committing fraud is because the Judge was bought and paid for and his hired expert added something into the tap water which made it a electrolytic solution thus removing the properties of the experiment as it was meant to be. He appealed also and won from what I learned.

    Also he was assassinated. That is more than enough to tell the truth. You do not get assassinated unless you are a threat to someone with money and power. He was!

    Also if you try to use the theory of thermodynamics on this you are out in lulu land. This is more to do with electronics and how many times has the theory of thermodynamics been changed in the past 50 years? It keeps changing because it is only a theory and not a fact. Just like the theory of evolution is not a fact and they keep changing it also to fit their goal to make people think there is not a creator. They do not want to be held accountable to that creator is why. Of course that is going to happen wither they want to believe it or not.

    So show me the math just for how much HHO is produced from one gallon of water? We will start from there.
    He is all over this site spreading his poison, do not listen to him he says the same thing over and over to try and sound intelligent, I suspect he is paid to do this, after all, this technology once widespread will undercut the global elite billions of dollars and will truly set humanity free. So of course they will desperately try to stop it, and lugnut is the type of sellout scum that has allowed evil to flourish in the world.

    Keep on it man you make perfect sense to the rest of us

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Farrahday View Post
    Great posts ElectroNut, the fact that they weren't appreciated by some just highlights their level of ignorance.

    Evidently there are some people here that are simply not interested in learning or understanding real science, while no doubt others are simply incapable of doing so.

    Some of you people could really learn something from ElectroNut. Real science - not just wild conjecture, fantasy, and Meyers Magical Mystery World. How refreshing! However, I guess the maths and science is just a little too complicated for primitive minds - clearly it's much easier to instead resort to spouting utter drivell.

    It's a shame really, as I very much doubt ElectroNut will bother posting again when he has to contend with the mindless ramblings from the likes of HawkNo1 and waterbugs, who I don't doubt for a second even bothered to read ElectroNut's posts, let alone digest them. Much easier to live in a fantasy world where things just happen by magic, eh.

    Nice try ElectroNut, but you don't stand a chance of educating the mentally challenged and clueless idiots that are neither interested in learning or opening their minds to anything resembling facts. I guess you'd be pointlessly bashing your head against that wall forever and a day. The truth is you'd have better luck conversing with single-celled organisms!
    you and lugnut are clearly both on the same payroll, you might even be the same person, rot in hell scum, how much they paying you, is it worth the dispair of humanity??

    i guess there are some messed up dysfunctional humans out there, and you are one of those high level psychopaths that are the true tumors of humanity. do us a favor and hang you pathetic self, only then will your conscience be cleared

    Oh yeah you dont have a conscience that why they are able to employ you.... Curse you

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    you and lugnut are clearly both on the same payroll, you might even be the same person, rot in hell scum, how much they paying you, is it worth the dispair of humanity??

    i guess there are some messed up dysfunctional humans out there, and you are one of those high level psychopaths that are the true tumors of humanity. do us a favor and hang you pathetic self, only then will your conscience be cleared

    Oh yeah you dont have a conscience that why they are able to employ you.... Curse you
    WOW! Talk about illiterate low-lives, you take stupidity to a whole new level. I'll bet some of the others are very envious of your IQ.

    Blimey, Macca, I thought some of the other posters had problems but you really champion the cause for sheer ignorance and utter stupidity. Are you really this retarded or are you just an infant playing with you dad’s computer? If you’re an adult then, to be frank, there’s pond life that exhibits more intelligence than you, and the human race clearly has more problems than you allude to.

    If the moderators can’t see that stupidity is running riot and so deterring real science and intelligent conversation, then they might as well hand over the forum to the likes of you, Macca. Because as it stands it’s more akin to a lunatic asylum with the inmates free to roam and create havoc.

    I'm just wondering if I've got the idea of this forum all wrong... ... are there prizes for posting the most illiterate, incoherrent and unscientific, verbal diarrhoea?

    If so, good news Macca. You're certainly up there in the running for the top prize.

    Well, it's been fun and a real eye-opener for me, but one can only take so much mindless nonsense. Bye bye.

    It's what you learn after you think you know it all that really counts!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    You would need an immense amount of HHO to make even a small engine run solely on HHO.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ill let this be my first post since I was fairly aware it would be hard to produce enough gas to power a conventional gas engine.

    When most people think of ICEs they are thinking of otto cycle engines where the intake stroke is more or less the entirety of the downward piston travel. however hybrid engines(prius) use whats called atkinson cycle. basiclly the camshaft is different and the intake valve is held open for 20 degrees or so around btdc(lowest point of stroke) and again at tdc(highest). the goal is that the gas(HC) you do inject for the remaining 40 percent only needs to expand to the atmospheric pressure to keep the motor spinning. This is terrible for making horsepower obviously, but fine for powering an electric motor.

    In fantasy land i plan on using solar power to generate the ho gas to then run an electric generator/motor. I have a feeling most portable power generators use an atkinson cycle engine and if they dont then someones missing out on some money.

    Im a car mechanic by trade so I was led to this HHO stuff by customers with the usual claims that their car got all this great gas mileage. I figured one weekend to at least try it and not bash it and was pleasantly amazed with the results(that it made a gas i could light on fire, no proven mpg gains, and i have the equipment to prove it if so). I also have enough electrical and mechanical knowledge to put the pieces together. Right now im trying to make enough gas but as soon as i can prove that i can easily make an engine work with it.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    To my newbie opinion. IT IS possible to make a car run on only HHO if you really want it BUT for 2 main reasons, it is a sort of a pain in the ass to make and engine work on it.

    1. The conventional hho systems like electrolysis from a wet or dry cell is obsolete. In other words other technologies exist or are in development and kept secret to seperate water into HHO like ultrasonic waves of a magnetic field.
    It seems like a secret to do this, there is no info on internet on how to build one of these systems unless you are an engineer and have right equipment.

    2. Engines in our cars are made to run on gasoline, they have compression ratios of 9-10-11 to 1. As i have understood, Hydrogen has an auto ignition rate much higher than gasoline and i think that you could run an internal combustion engine with much higher compression if it was intended to run only on HHO.

    SO the best to do for now is to forget the idea to run only on hho and to think of how to design your engine to run on 10-20-30% gasoline while the rest will be HHO

    I have a fully programmable engine management on my car and i plan on making it work on as much HHO as i can if i can build the fuel cell that i need to build like it is stated in this thread:

    wish me good luck

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by davebarny59 View Post
    Hi yes im a newbie

    Can you produce enough hho to run completly on it and if so how many cells and how many pulse gens would you need what is a dry cell a apposed to a wet cell in basic terms please
    theoritically yes, but cost you battery consumption very fast. and do not think the engine can recharge fast enough to recover the battery.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I have never been interested in increasing gasoline mileage and both my hho vehicles are 100% hho, a 49cc and a 250cc. The problem is it requires a lot of hho to start. Once started, a carbureted engine requires about 20LPM per 50cc to idle in most cases. I got the numbers from, WATER IS FUEL and it works for a rough estimate. What I do is let pressure build for a minute before cranking it over and it starts every time. Just make sure to have the right safetys in place! The place I get the kits from has made 100% motorcycles and it even looks like they did a huge van but the back is probably filled with batteries.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    You should only be injecting a max of 1LPM.

    Galaxy S7 cover

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