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Thread: First off... which electrolytes NOT TO USE!

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Part 4 (in which idiots run with scissors and accidentally live)

    Quote Originally Posted by noelsingletary View Post
    As a mechanic I know that anytime R-12 refrigerant which contains chlorine molecules is sucked into the intake of a running engine Flourine gas is produced and is extremely toxic. Salt produces Chlorine gas durinf electrolysis and would therefore produce Flourine gas at the tailpipe. I say NO to salt in any form.

    Oh dear God. NO.
    Both fluorine and chlorine would react with the metals in the engine system, it will even react with your catalytic converter. Some may escape unreacted, but enough to kill you? Who has died that way? As for your comparison of electrolysis to combustion, I can't see how they are remotely similar.
    Also chlorine doesn't come off of water electrolysis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zolar1 View Post
    Salt will make Hydrogen Chloride gas, which explodes on contact with sunlight, assuming you have enough of it made.

    It can also make chlorine gas (AKA Mustard Gas from WWI), which wants to react with everything under the sun, including YOU if you have an exhaust leak.

    Baking Soda makes 66% H, 30% CO, 4% CO2, but only in the beginning. After using it for a while, it converts to Sodium Hydroxide.

    Using baking soda does have a few advantages:

    1) far less damaging to everything if you spring a leak
    2) far less likely to corrode aluminum parts of your engine
    3) reduces or eliminates the need for an EFIE (but you would still need a MAP/MAF mod)
    4) is available almost everywhere
    5) is cheap

    To the guy using sea water:
    Well there are a lot of other dissolved minerals/metals in sea water, and well as living organisms.
    You're not using straight salt water.

    Using Sodium Hydroxide yields two times (2/3H + 1/3 O) in a hydroxy unit. It also isn't as efficient as KOH, which also produces the same results but with lower amps needed. With either of these two, you need an EFIE, MAP/MAF mods, IAT mod, and CTS mods to reap the full benefit.

    I hope this helps.
    I am facepalming with the force of 100,000 suns. No, that is so entirely incorrect it is making me lose faith in humanities ability to even convert oxygen to carbon dioxide. I'm sorry I'm picking on you but God damn this is wrong.
    Ok, when HCl is in water it is known as hydrochloric acid or muriatic acid, a sidewalk cleaner they sell by the gallon at home ****ing depot(and is an electrolyte). When it is not the the water it is a gas, just a gas. no explosions occur on contact with anything, even sunlight, ever. HCl gas is one of the things that comes out of volcanoes and a thing idiots on the news claim planes are afraid of with those(but it hardly does any damage, the real danger there is the ash clogging the engines up).
    Already covered chlorine, doesn't happen, and chlorine is most definitely not mustard gas, the difference between the two is a fistful of hydrogen and carbon with a sulfur on top, and if it reacted with everything why does it last in the ground and water supplies for months after use before it breaks down?
    Baking soda does not do that.
    1,2) Just no.
    Seawater guy via idiot: while true, its still full of salt.
    Sodium hydroxide doesn't work that way.
    This doesn't help at all, it gave me a ****ing migraine.

    Quote Originally Posted by nocolour View Post
    baking soda = Sodium bicarbonate = NaHCO3, Because it content carbon "C". You will get CO2 on out put.

    Salt = NaCl, you will get Cl2 (chlorine), water become yellow and spoil the plate!!
    *head desk*
    I am entering the downward spiral of depression here.
    You contain enough iron to make a nail and a bunch of carbon and oxygen, but if I dissolved you in water a rusty steel nail would not appear no matter how hard I drive the current. Ok, that was too grim. How about.... oh I don't know. My point is that even if something contains something, it doesn't automatically make something else. NaHCO3 is an ion carrier and nothing more, it won't react. Same thing with all aqueous salts.
    The base is under a salt

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Llew2_1 View Post
    I have been recomended by one site, to use Sulphuric acid diluted 5;1 as am elcrolyte. Any one got advive to offer.
    That is a viable option, but be sure to use parts that can withstand it.

    Quote Originally Posted by pwteng View Post
    saltwater when energized produces H Cl yes chlorine gas and reverts back to salt when released thats like running without an air filter

    Quote Originally Posted by fortwnty420 View Post
    Generally distilled water carries no current.. But, with the addition of some acid solution, it becomes an excellent conductor.
    1) Always. 2)Yes, depending on the acid.

    Quote Originally Posted by fortwnty420 View Post
    Adding acid to water causes the Ph balance to go up.
    Other way, pH drops in acidic solutions.

    Chlorine, CO2, etc.: never will get it from water electrolosys.

    Now that I've responded to the most blatently incorrect notions, I'll settle down on this thread. I'm not trying to knock on the things everyone is using, just trying to prevent bad science. Also I'm on a quest to build a jewelry torch with a MOT based power supply.
    The base is under a salt

  3. #83

    best Electrolytes

    Can not recommend Baking Soda as Electrolyte.
    But Soda Ash works very well. ( Availabe for Swimming Pools )
    Another Option for a none caustic Electrolyte is Potassium Carbonate.

  4. #84
    Can not recommend baking Soda as Electrolyte.
    Sodium Carbonate ( Soda Ash) used for Swimming Pools, works much better.
    Also Potassium Carbonate is a good none caustic Electrolyte. Or a 50\50 Mixture of both !

  5. #85
    ahh Im confused how is r12 entering the intake @.@
    Its in a 100% separate system. And why would anyone put r12 into the air its against the law ?_?

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Preliminary experiment results:
    Unknown alloy aluminum, Epsom salt(MgSO4) @ around 1.5 cups/gallon, and dumb car charger @ 12v/6A settings (the system pulled <2A and ran at 15-16v)
    Anode is heavily pitted after a few hours, cathode is less pitted with a black coating adheared to where the surface of the water was.

    Granted the water was not at all clean, full of rock dust and some bismuth lumps.

    Not a reccomended arrangement at this time.
    The base is under a salt

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