Originally Posted by
Salt will make Hydrogen Chloride gas, which explodes on contact with sunlight, assuming you have enough of it made.
It can also make chlorine gas (AKA Mustard Gas from WWI), which wants to react with everything under the sun, including YOU if you have an exhaust leak.
Baking Soda makes 66% H, 30% CO, 4% CO2, but only in the beginning. After using it for a while, it converts to Sodium Hydroxide.
Using baking soda does have a few advantages:
1) far less damaging to everything if you spring a leak
2) far less likely to corrode aluminum parts of your engine
3) reduces or eliminates the need for an EFIE (but you would still need a MAP/MAF mod)
4) is available almost everywhere
5) is cheap
To the guy using sea water:
Well there are a lot of other dissolved minerals/metals in sea water, and well as living organisms.
You're not using straight salt water.
Using Sodium Hydroxide yields two times (2/3H + 1/3 O) in a hydroxy unit. It also isn't as efficient as KOH, which also produces the same results but with lower amps needed. With either of these two, you need an EFIE, MAP/MAF mods, IAT mod, and CTS mods to reap the full benefit.
I hope this helps.