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Thread: Ignition time

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by stam525 View Post
    Forum hello!
    I have a question about ignition time.
    In my car i use the scangauge2 to see ecu data.
    Before use HHO the igniton time when my car idle it was +10 or +15 degrees advance.
    I have electronic control ignition time.No manual.
    When i use HHO tha ignition time drop to -6 or -8 dregrees.
    This is correct?What happend and the ignition retard at idle?
    I have to inform you my car idle perfect and sound very very quiet!like no ignition!
    I have connect the HHO also in vaccum line of inlet manifold and before butterfly(2 outputs).

    Quote Originally Posted by koya1893 View Post
    I experienced the same with several newer cars I installed a system on, when the system in leaned out and pre-ignition is detected the ECU will adjust timing accordingly, hence if you want to keep the timing and gain more incorporating water injection is added bonus. I am currently testing the Infinity with this approach. thanks to Gus I got turned on with water injection process. testing the Infitiny for 1k miles before I can report how the performance gain and mpg.
    Quote Originally Posted by myoldyourgold View Post
    This is good when using HHO.

    Is there vacuum at the port you are using at idle. I thought there was no vacuum at idle or maybe very very little. You really do not need any HHO at idle. It takes more HP to make the needed amps than any possible gain at idle. My reactors turns off at idle automatically with a switch on the throttle body. At idle the ratio of HHO to air to fuel is much more than when running and this cause the ECM to change the trims making them go richer.
    Quote Originally Posted by stam525 View Post
    Today i use a volo chip but the ignition is the same.
    i will test it with the chip and inform you for results or any gain!
    The volo says i must drive for 150klm for best results. so we must wait!
    Quote Originally Posted by stam525 View Post
    Dear friends hello!
    I have verry good news!The volo chip works perfect!Today i had a big trip 400klm and the results are.....
    Before with hho only, i had 7,8l/100klm at highway with 80klm/h average speed.
    Now with chip and hho i have 6,5l/100klm at highway with 100klm/h average speed!!!
    It's 16% more gain with chip!Maybe if i had lower average speed with chip the results goes to 20%.
    This results are unbeleavable!!!
    I'm verry happy with volo chip,the car works perfect without problems.The ignition is the same -6 but i don't have some problem!

    The total gain with HHO and VOLO CHIP are 35%!!!!unbeleavable!!!!
    I got same results with timing at my car. It went from +8 - +15 to -6 - +2.

    The story step by step.

    First what I did, I bought the ELM 327 Vgate OBD2 Bluetooth device for Android phones to have visible all numbers of engine data and parameters from ECU. Than I mounted HHO system (25 plates generator without FS2 VOLO performance chip) in my 2003 Mazda protege 2.0 and start driving, monitoring, and obtaining data "on demand".


    First try was with 11 plate generator. Changes were: the RPM drop from 750 rpm on gasoline only to 350 rpm on gasoline plus BROWNS Gas. I disconnected the system from car current and got everything back to original in couple of hours.

    Second try was with same gen and with the same result.

    Third try was done using the 25 plate HHO generator. I thought that the RPM drop was regarding the new data from sensors, and ECU was adjusting the amount of gasoline due to KNOCK sensor (detonation) data. That is why I purchased the bigger generator that produces higher volumes of HHO gas on idles to support regular 700-750 idle RPM. Now I think that additional unused oxygen in the exhaust gases was in charge of tremendous increase of gas spend ( it doubled compare to the regular drive on the gasoline only) after a 6-10 days of constant use of the HHO as a supplement. In addition to the horrible fuel economy, ECU (using the new data from O2 and Knock sensors) doubled the RPMs in idle (I believe ECU tried to correct the data from O2 and knock sensors by enriching the combustion mixture with gasoline to decrease the free oxygen in exhaust).
    To get everything back to normal, I disconnected the HHO from the car current. It took 4 days to get back all the "new" "unpleasant" changes. Just today afternoon I got everything back to original numbers. I have started measuring numbers right before I start to drive with HHO.

    This is my current experience. That is why so many questions are being asked. I really want buy your FS2 VOLO performance chip for HHO. Please, provide more explanations and answer to me. I already spend bit more than $500 for the system, and do not want to spend more if it not really work. With all the respect to you and your product, which I really want to buy, I need some more knowledge about how the FS2 full the sensors, how it measures the HHOgas flow, how it adjust the gas/air ratio, and some more. I would be really pleased if you are able to answer all of them. I chat with you about a year ago from now, or so. I want to get a final positive results from this project.

    If anybody face with similar problems, or know what is going on and how to get needed results (fuel efficiency instead of fuel loss), please HELP.

    Who and how calibrate the VOLO chip in accordance to the min/max HHO generator flow?
    How could I know the maximum output of the HHO gen (I know its minimum - 2 lpm, but the max depend on amps, electrolyte concentration and many other things)?
    How could HHO be measured dynamically, if there is no any sensor in the car that measure the HHO gas amount produced?
    Whether the chip must be installed before HHO system installation (because the HHO gas without the chip leads to big changes in many engine processes, such as timing advance, gas-air mixture ratio, etc.

    Being new to this forum, I am seeking for help, answers and future productive information share with all members of the forum.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by myoldyourgold View Post
    This is good when using HHO.

    Is there vacuum at the port you are using at idle. I thought there was no vacuum at idle or maybe very very little. You really do not need any HHO at idle. It takes more HP to make the needed amps than any possible gain at idle. My reactors turns off at idle automatically with a switch on the throttle body. At idle the ratio of HHO to air to fuel is much more than when running and this cause the ECM to change the trims making them go richer.
    Quote Originally Posted by stam525 View Post
    Today i use a volo chip but the ignition is the same.
    i will test it with the chip and inform you for results or any gain!
    The volo says i must drive for 150klm for best results. so we must wait!
    Quote Originally Posted by stam525 View Post
    Dear friends hello!
    I have verry good news!The volo chip works perfect!Today i had a big trip 400klm and the results are.....
    Before with hho only, i had 7,8l/100klm at highway with 80klm/h average speed.
    Now with chip and hho i have 6,5l/100klm at highway with 100klm/h average speed!!!
    It's 16% more gain with chip!Maybe if i had lower average speed with chip the results goes to 20%.
    This results are unbeleavable!!!
    I'm verry happy with volo chip,the car works perfect without problems.The ignition is the same -6 but i don't have some problem!

    The total gain with HHO and VOLO CHIP are 35%!!!!unbeleavable!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by stam525 View Post
    dear friends
    At cold start the ignition time is +15
    When the engine warm and tha HHO produce more gas the ignition time goes down in retard mode -6 but the engine works perfect without knocking or idle problems and sound very quiet!
    The vacuum is not in cover of cylinder head now.I make some other vacuum for that work.This vacuum was the cover but now i have send it in some other possition of manifold.
    This problem happend only in idle condition.When car running the ignition goes to the maximum result +30 +35 +40 at steady pedal position.
    I have to inform you i haven't EFIE or CHIP but my L sensor reads correct the lean.
    I don't know what is going on with that car!It is opel corsa c 2003mod 1400cc
    i give 0,8lpm HHO with Naoh electrolyte at 16 amps and temperature gas 40c celsium.My electrolyzer is drycell 11plates 2holes per cell.All meassure are with professional tools electronics.
    One more tip is when i have connect the second output in vacuum this happend with the ignition.Before i was only one output in inlet near the butterfly the ignition works correct at +10or+15 at idle condition.
    My gain is the same 1 or 2 outputs it's the same about results!
    I have same timing drop with HHO

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I got same results with timing at my car. It went from (+8 - +15) to (-6 - +2). Amazing performance, no sound on idle, ad than it started!!!

    The story step by step.

    First what I did, I bought the ELM 327 Vgate OBD2 Bluetooth device for Android phones to have visible all numbers of engine data and parameters from ECU. Than I mounted HHO system (25 plates generator without FS2 VOLO performance chip) in my 2003 Mazda protege 2.0 and start driving, monitoring, and obtaining data "on demand".


    First try was with 11 plate generator. Changes were: the RPM drop from 750 rpm on gasoline only to 350 rpm on gasoline plus BROWNS Gas. I disconnected the system from car current and got everything back to original in couple of hours.

    Second try was with same gen and with the same result.

    Third try was done using the 25 plate HHO generator. I thought that the RPM drop was regarding the new data from sensors, and ECU was adjusting the amount of gasoline due to KNOCK sensor (detonation) data. That is why I purchased the bigger generator that produces higher volumes of HHO gas on idles to support regular 700-750 idle RPM. Now I think that additional unused oxygen in the exhaust gases was in charge of tremendous increase of gas spend ( it doubled compare to the regular drive on the gasoline only) after a 6-10 days of constant use of the HHO as a supplement. In addition to the horrible fuel economy, ECU (using the new data from O2 and Knock sensors) doubled the RPMs in idle (I believe ECU tried to correct the data from O2 and knock sensors by enriching the combustion mixture with gasoline to decrease the free oxygen in exhaust).
    To get everything back to normal, I disconnected the HHO from the car current. It took 4 days to get back all the "new" "unpleasant" changes. Just today afternoon I got everything back to original numbers. I have started measuring numbers right before I start to drive with HHO.

    This is my current experience. That is why so many questions are being asked. I really want buy your FS2 VOLO performance chip for HHO. Please, provide more explanations and answer to me. I already spend bit more than $500 for the system, and do not want to spend more if it not really work. With all the respect to you and your product, which I really want to buy, I need some more knowledge about how the FS2 full the sensors, how it measures the HHOgas flow, how it adjust the gas/air ratio, and some more. I would be really pleased if you are able to answer all of them. I chat with you about a year ago from now, or so. I want to get a final positive results from this project.

    If anybody face with similar problems, or know what is going on and how to get needed results (fuel efficiency instead of fuel loss), please HELP.

    Who and how calibrate the VOLO chip in accordance to the min/max HHO generator flow?
    How could I know the maximum output of the HHO gen (I know its minimum - 2 lpm, but the max depend on amps, electrolyte concentration and many other things)?
    How could HHO be measured dynamically, if there is no any sensor in the car that measure the HHO gas amount produced?
    Whether the chip must be installed before HHO system installation (because the HHO gas without the chip leads to big changes in many engine processes, such as timing advance, gas-air mixture ratio, etc.

    Being new to this forum, I am seeking for help, answers and future productive information share with all members of the forum.


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