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Thread: frequency maf Efie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    frequency maf Efie

    installed on a 2009 chev silverado
    has anyone hooked up one of these freq efie the problem i am having is the pots are very sensitive i was getting a reading of 1gs wouldnt go up then turned the pot got a reading 386gs when i drive my ultra gauge shows that i get 120 mpg
    i try to tune a pot and i get 2.89gs then jumps to 120gs 44gs and so on
    now back to 1gs
    thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    If you bought your EFI from Fuelsaver then go to there forum and you will find the answers or Mike will help you. If not go to who ever you bought it from. Make sure you follow the instructions. The MAF signal is not a steady signal and does bounce around. You can not rely on your Scan gauge for mileage when using an EFIE. It will be way off. If in the US you can buy a multimeter from Harbor Freight that reads frequency too. Works very well for a $20 cheap meter.
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb."

    ONE Liter per minute per 10 amps which just isn't possible Ha Ha .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    thank you very much myoldyourgold
    how much do i lower the frequency i think 10% is that correct
    I am going to get a new hz multimeter tomorrow

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Because you have x LPM of HHO flowing all the time it is impossible to say what setting is the best. Your largest gains are going to be in a small range of engine demand. You want it lean enough in that sweet spot so there is no loss of power or excessive heat in the exhaust. As exhaust temperature goes up so does the NOX (bad). The sweet spot is not that easy to find but when you do you will be smiling. If you can match the HHO volume to engine demand so the ratio between HHO/moisture/air/fuel/exhaust is consistent over a wide range of engine demand your gains will be the best. So far this has not been perfected but some of us have been working on it for some time now and are very close. Engines with EGR valves are actually going to be of some help and instead of robbing HP by adding exhaust to the combustion chamber which results in lowering exhaust temperature/NOX, the EGR will when using the right ratios increase HP and lower NOX. Lots of experimenting yet to complete.
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb."

    ONE Liter per minute per 10 amps which just isn't possible Ha Ha .

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