Hey everyone,

Great resource we have here...

Right, a few questions...

What is the effect of HHO on the internals of an engine? Does it harm the piston rings at all? Is there any potential damage?

Injection points....

I have a copy of the Water4Gas, and it states you can inject HHO into the intake manifold, and the fuel lines. The intake makes sense to me, but the fuel lines are a bit different.

How would a gas mix with a liquid? How would the injector/pump deal with the gas? Can someone shed some light on this issue?

Next question,
I have a 1997 2.8 diesel hilux i I want to work with. This is a mechanical injection pump. I cannot find any maf or O2 sensors. Will I have to worry about the injector dumping in extra fuel? My understanding of this type of pump is the more the pedal goes down, the more fuel injected. If this is the case, it wouldn't even know it's using a different fuel.

Am I on the right track?

Maybe some of you have experience with diesels, any information or recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

I'm an 18 year old engineering student who could really use some extra mileage