Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum.
I just did my 1st test on my 1st home made cell. Since I live in Canada and we talk more of Km and Liters, I'll stick to actual gain in distance for the volume of gasoline used but will try to convert km to miles as I go along. My installation is quite crude for now, but will refine it eventually. Planning to post photos whenever I can get to it...
I am pleased to announce that with my 1st experiment, I noticed a gain of distance travelled of 22% in a 1.6L Honda Civic DX 2000 (hatchback).
This car typically uses 6.9 to 7 L / 100km travelled. With a gas tank of 44L, I can state that with a fill-up of 42L, I normally travel 600 km (372 miles). That 22% gain boosts it to 732 km (455 miles), not bad at all indeed for a 1st try!
CELL SPECS: For now, 2 plates of steel (4x12" - notches and holes = about 44 sq. in. of surface for electrodes, distanced about 1/8"). Using only my Well water (artesian well, a bit hard water) with NO electrolyte. Cell is drawing about 6.5-7 amps when cold, and gets up to about 9 amps when warm. So far I only compared mileage for a distance of about 363 km, so the % in gain is probably not accurate, will need to drive some more to get a relevant average.
NOTE: This was achieved with a NON-FUNCTIONING Oxygen sensor, so default values for fuel mixture are used by the car computer, eliminating the headache of fooling the ECU.
This is very encouraging, will drive on this system for at least 1 fill-up or 2 to get a "real" average increase in mileage. I will post back with updated figures as I get new ones.