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Thread: New member with stories and questions.

  1. #1
    SGS Guest

    New member with stories and questions.

    To begin with, HI, new member. I have a 1993 Ford Explorer v6 with 215k miles on it. I started with the Water 4 Gas Single Cell... it melted the inside pieces. So i made my own ( which work just as good and make them cheaper. Any way, I didnt see NO GAIN AT ALL with one cell using distilled water and pure baking soda. I added 2 cells, distilled water and pure baking soda. Got a small gain, like a 4 gain for city and 9 high way. At this point only had the o2 sensors wrapped with aluminum foil. So I got frustrated and made another cell, with different items. Ok, so i was wondering, what happens if i run like 6 of my cells that I made. So i have 6 running, had a relay hooked in, worked like a charm i went from 15 mipg to getting 24 miles per gallon!! YAY, shortly BOOOO!! The relay I had hooked up, melted the caps to the units, so I had to redo my units. So I am currently running 6 cells total, of my style cells. im fixing to modify by "big" cell to make more HHO... I bought a MAF sensor enhancer, it works and all, but i just dont know, something dont feel right with it, I lean off gas to much and there isnt enough HHO being added, cant it harm it?

    What is the best system out there that is proven to work?

  2. #2
    EltonBrandd Guest
    First off hello and welcome.
    To answer your question about leaning the engine too much. You should have done your homework before you start leaning out the mixture. If you go too lean you will burn valves, destroy pistons etc..

    There are several generators out there that will produce more gas than any 6 cell w4gas jar setup. I took all my extra SS wire and used it for a couple piƱatas. The way to go is to use plates from here on out. Read more threads before you decide which you like best. Try searching "Smack Booster", this is an easy build for beginner.

  3. #3
    SGS Guest
    Yeah I took off the Maf enhancer, i only had it tuned a lil bit so it was like a 97% gas 3% HHO, the generator i made is a 1 gallon jar, with 4 3/4 SS all thread rods, with 316l wire wrapped on the pos to pos and neg to neg, it generates a lot fast! I was using distilled water and pure baking soda, i read the "Power Tube" and seen he used just normal water, should I try that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SGS View Post
    Yeah I took off the Maf enhancer, i only had it tuned a lil bit so it was like a 97% gas 3% HHO, the generator i made is a 1 gallon jar, with 4 3/4 SS all thread rods, with 316l wire wrapped on the pos to pos and neg to neg, it generates a lot fast! I was using distilled water and pure baking soda, i read the "Power Tube" and seen he used just normal water, should I try that?

    There is not only better cell designes but also better catalyst. The use of Naoh and Koh produce better. Baking soda is a "dirty" catalyst. The use of it causes premature rust and corrosion. It also mucks up the water which affects gas production.

  5. #5
    SGS Guest
    Naoh and Koh are what? sorry, new to the mixing part.

  6. #6
    EltonBrandd Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SGS View Post
    Naoh and Koh are what? sorry, new to the mixing part.
    NaOH is sodium hydroxide, KOH potassium hydroxide. Both are similar, neither will cause the gunk and slime that Sodium bicarbonate will.

  7. #7
    SGS Guest
    Arent those lye? isnt lye dangerous, lol

  8. #8
    Haywire Haywood Guest
    Read this document, it will answer a lot of your questions. --Ian

  9. #9
    Static HHO Guest

    Glass in an engine compartment?

    What are you thinking? I can't imagine a more dangerous mixture. So, you've got 6 bombs instead of 2?
    Go back to UTube and do your homework. The safest and most productive cell I've seen and have built 8 of them myself is Zero's closed, dry WFC. Hard to built? No, but not everyone has the means. Order the parts from Zero? yes, you can do that. Heat build up? Only about 4 degrees from start-up to full production. Lots of hydroxy? As much as you can use.
    Cheers, HHO-in in N. GA

  10. #10
    SGS Guest
    So a lot of people are saying using Naoh or Koh and your saying no, btw i looked up "Zero's closed" on you tube... notta

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