By design, everyone can set the operating point of their electrolyzer.

The Operating Point:
What defines the operating point of an electrolyzer are the following items;
1. How many Volts and Amps does it use.
2. What is the stable temperature.
3. What is the stable HHO gas production rate.

1. More current(Amps) leads to more gas production and higher heat.
2. Externally applied higher heat leads to more current(Amps) and more gas production.
3. Efficiency and gas production are INVERSELY related. An electrolyzer is most efficient at low gas production rates. An electrolyzer is least efficient at higher gas production rates.

There are many ways to set the operating point. The basic two ways are;
1. Add or remove neutral plates.
2. Change the eletrolyte mix(add/remove chemical and/or use different chemicals and/or use different type of water).