HHO gas is an incredible substance. When disassociated from water it results in expansion of over 1800 times and when ignited 1800mL of HHO gas reduces to just a mL of water. So what happens when you...
Type: Posts; User: DrFission
HHO gas is an incredible substance. When disassociated from water it results in expansion of over 1800 times and when ignited 1800mL of HHO gas reduces to just a mL of water. So what happens when you...
We hear this question a lot. Thanks for all the recent support from HHOForums.com
Always use the correct electrolyte because your electrolyte determines your cell's current draw, efficiency,...
Development of a Hydrogen-Oxygen Internal Combustion Engine
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965 - 204 pages
Hydrogen as an Auxiliary Fuel
From NASA Technical Reports
We are now offering a product specifically for this purpose. By attaching a simple control to your shifter control of your system is at your fingertips. With a twist of the throttle hydrogen is...
Hydrogen Hybrid Efficiency Data Sheet
Real world customer data from a variety of vehicles
All of our complete systems can now be configured for output of pure hydrogen resulting in simple integration to your vehicle.
Personal Fission Reactor™
Absolutely! The most prevalent benefit of a hydrogen only generator is easy integration to a vehicle. By removing the oxygen, no computer, EFIE, MAP or O2 sensor adjustments are needed. Pure hydrogen...
Hydrogen Vehicle Concepts
Water is the fuel of the future. See soon to be released hydrogen vehicle concepts.
SEE MORE AT: DrFission.com
<a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_A2H2"...
We recommend this for laboratory use: http://www.drfission.com/personalfissionreactor.html
Honda Accord 1984
i use 94 octane fuel with my unit... always have.....costs a few cents more, but the mileage is worth it...now i get 68 mpg on highway 36 in town driving..before installing...
Customer reviews of Personal Fission Reactor™ hybrid conversions.
Find your vehicle or equivelant to find out what to expect from your Hydrogen Hybrid Conversion.
We've seen it on TV... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw77fUbbkPU