View Full Version : Newbie question

08-12-2008, 08:25 PM
Hi all
I just heard about HHO about a 6 weeks ago. I picked up a dual channel MAP enhancer and a Water4Gas type electrolyzer with 20 rows (anode & cathode have 4 strands of 19ga 316L stainless wire, 60" each). I've installed them in my '93 Toyota MR2 (non turbo). I'm wondering how long the water should last. I've read about the Water4Gas units lasting 900+ miles before they need refilling. I figured with more than double the rows of the standard electrolyzer, mine should show a decrease in miles before adding solution.
I had it full this morning, 1 quart distilled water, 1 tsp baking soda. After getting home, approx 70 miles of driving, about 1/2 was consumed. Is this normal for these? If so, I'll have to make a new one with a wide mouth gallon jar to refill less often. Not much room with the mid-engine to mount the electrolyzer!

08-12-2008, 10:53 PM
How hot was it? Your likely losing some water due to water vapour/steam.

Instead of going to a gallon jar, I'd make another like the first and wire them in series. Less heat, more output.