View Full Version : cell kills engine

08-11-2008, 12:40 PM
ok basically i have a cell that i built. I am trying to run it on my riding lawn mower. it has a straight thru carb design. when i insert the hose into the air intake(top of carb) the engine starts to die. if i dont insert the hose into the intake i get no response. I havent tested the output of the cell but it produces a good steady supply of air. Whats up? any ideas of what i have done wrong?

08-11-2008, 01:37 PM
Any ideas? Yep, lots.

Find out how much your producing. If your producing very much the ignition timing will have to be retarded. If not the hho will burn too quickly and try to push the piston backwards. Also if your producing much hho and puting it in with the same amount of gasoline it usually uses you'll have way too much fuel. you'll have to make sure the butterfly is completly open so it's getting enough air. Might just be flooding the thing.

08-11-2008, 01:53 PM
Lawn mower engines (4 cycle)have two sparks from spark plug, per cycle (that's 2 revolutions). One at TDC on the compression stroke and at TDC at the end of exhaust stroke before intake opens. Timing has to be changed also

08-11-2008, 02:09 PM
ok so i will measure production rate tonight when i get home. What would be the best way to retard the timing on a mower? My carb has a vacuum hose from the engine to it. The carb uses the vacuum hose to pull fuel into the carb. Should i Tee into it and feed the hho into there. If connected to the vacuum line there should be no worries about backfire? I have a bubbler setup but i haven't built a flame arrestor yet.

08-11-2008, 02:11 PM
i know zerofossilfuel was working on a series for retarding the engine but i havent seen his phase 2 yet.