View Full Version : New to HHO, watched all the video's, read the forums, still a couple questions.

04-02-2014, 08:20 PM
I apologize right away if I'm asking any redundant questions. I'm a full time college student and spend most of my time keeping up with homework and projects (in my final semester), and can't exactly dedicate as much time as I'd like to HHO research.

Anyways, I've been interested in HHO for years but never put the effort forth into building a system. I decided that for my alternative fuels class I should do something on HHO. I want to install a system on my 1994 Ford Ranger (2.3L four cylinder). I feel fairly confident with tuning using the EFIE systems and whatnot, but it's the HHO specifics that I'm curious about. First off, this is horrible but I need to get this going pretty quickly as the semester is coming to an end. I want to build a dry cell but time will not allow that right now. I don't want to get a complete piece of crap that doesn't really do anything, but I also can't afford a $1000+ system. I was looking on eBay for a quick purchase and found something like this... http://www.ebay.com/itm/HHO-DRY-CELL-316L-43-PLATES-HYDROGEN-GENERATOR-6-LPM-MAX-AU43-Compact-Unit-/301142802435?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item461d828003&vxp=mtr

Would I be wasting my money or is this possibly a decent cell? I definitely want to stick with at least 5 neutral plates, and as Mike says in the YouTube videos, "The more steel the better generally." I'd rather go overkill on the dry cell and run lower amps than get a dinky cell and max it out amperage-wise.

I think I'm pretty sure I can build the rest of the "complete kit" from there, as I have washer fluid tanks, coolant tanks, and other stuff like that laying around that I can turn into bubblers and reservoirs. I am curious as to what type electrolyte is safe to use on my engine though. I've read that certain electrolyte mixes are bad for different type of metal. Or, does the bubbler/filter pretty much eliminate any of those catalyst chemicals from entering the engine?

Honestly, I'll probably have more questions as I think this over more, but I at least want to get this post out there as I know you all aren't standing by waiting for posts on this forum.

Thank you so much for any suggestions/responses. And honestly, I'll take any tips or suggestions openly as this will be my first attempt and I'd like to do it as right as possible with the knowledge I have.