View Full Version : Building a burner

02-12-2014, 08:06 PM
Hello everyone,
I am currently working on a project that I plan on powering with HHO, and I want to know if I should use a burner that has pinhole jets in it, to push out gas faster than it can burn, or If I should use a premade burner that doesn't have quite as small holes. This will be operating at high temperatures, so building my own burner would be more difficult, and I would prefer to use a premade burner for the cost. Is a burner like this going to work, or am I just wasting my time? Thanks,
- Nick

02-21-2014, 10:16 AM
HHO burns extremely quickly, so you will not be able to push the gas out of a pinhole jet "faster than it can burn" as you stated.

That is a good start, but you will need some sort of flash arresting material before the pin hole as well to prevent a nasty explosion in the reservoir. Some individuals here have used bronze wool (not steel) packed tightly. I recommend fine play sand packed tightly. The play sand (or similar) models out there are generally more expensive fwiw.

You can purchase a flashback arrestor, but be sure to do your research on the different types and vendors. And, no, a inline check valve does not make a generally reliable flashback arrestor. The reservoir you are using to capture the gas should have a blow off valve/port to be safe.