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View Full Version : Anyone know this company?

02-12-2013, 08:05 PM
Hello everyone, I mean greensource.ca and products.
can not find anyone who has opinions that sell kits.

do not know if anyone has tried the ProKit ProKit 12 and 13, the price seems right but not the quality and duration of these generators.

I send an email to green source explained to me as are the generators and distribution of electrodes, but they said that they are not going to say this.

it can be either very good or very bad "

you are saying?

02-13-2013, 10:33 AM
I had a chance to see one of the older generators (Superkit 10) and I can tell you it was a piece of crap. I had long conversations with the owner Rob Williams last year and he prided himself on having sold huge numbers of these kits mainly to 3rd world countries. His comment was that because the kits were so cheap, people would be more willing to write it off if it didn't work (or something to that effect). I have not seen or tested the tuners or PWM's and they might be OK as Rob seems to be an electronics guy. Overall though I have to say that these products are very low on the quality scale. Just look at the "flashback arrestors" they sell, just a one way valve which we all know does not work. I'm not saying all this to steer you to buy stuff from my website, just trying to help you avoid making a bad purchase. There are some descent products available out there, but not these. Just my opinion.