View Full Version : HHO Generator for motorcycle!!!

01-17-2013, 09:38 AM
Hi every one
I am new here

I have a motorcycle with 125cc Engine .
the alternator produce 13V - 4A

i build a Wet hho generator but it,s not produce,s what i want!!
the generator has 5 plates of aluminum (10*5 cm )

If the generator just made a few more bubbles i can run the engine fully on HHO
when i start the engine it,s run but it,s turn off after 3 seconds

I wanna know what is affect the generation of bubbles ? (except electricity )


01-17-2013, 05:50 PM
Use stainless steel, NEVER aluminum! Everything affects the amount of bubble generation- electrolyte, distance between plates, wet cell or dry cell, plate preparation, amperage, voltage, temperature. I can save you some trouble right now, and tell you that you will not be able to make enough amperage with that motorcycle's alternator to make enough HHO to run the motorcycle. At 3000 RPM you would need to make 20 liters per minute of HHO. A tiny 13V 4A alternator can not provide enough watts. Sorry...

02-15-2013, 04:01 PM
thanks for your replay
since your replay i working on my motorcycle to improve the alternator but i fail.
now i am going to install a car alternator to my motorcycle and i wanna know how much amp,s that i need to run this motorcycle fully on HHO ? dose a 55 amp,s alternator can help me ??

dose anyone run any car or motorcycle fully on HHO in this forum?

02-27-2013, 01:09 PM
m trying to run an 125cc bike enigine on hho for my final final project,
i just have two week more to complete it,
my pwm doesnt work,

but i have a feeling the hho concept may work...madddd!
lets see.
after a long experiments i have been able to improve my hho production based on old concept of F..... frady's.

in my hho pwm my mosfet doesnt work... so m stuck with it.
althought i will make it run..F....sdjlkgfnoadsjg
but i dnt know how.