View Full Version : high concentration of electrolyte to water in hydrogen seperator?

08-04-2008, 03:57 PM
i've built a hydrogen separator device, and created a separate thread for it, but im getting very little production. i started with 6-7 litres of ro water, and added lye to it, a table spoon at a time, after the first 3 or so, i started to see some bubbles, i eventually added 8 tablespoons hoping to see significant improvements, but only ended up getting slightly more production...but not enough for anything, now i know i cant keep adding lye, so im thinking of some other electrolyte that i can use a LOT of, any ideas?

what about natural vinegar, could i just use that with NO water, or very little? would the heat/amps be an issue?

if you want to see the device, look on my other thread, basically im creating o and h in two separate containers, i only want to give the engine h and let the o just go into the air.

08-04-2008, 04:09 PM
No one will be able to speak about your problem unless you are either able to provide some plate dimensions/photos etc. These will help those of us who have already been there help you. Never mind. I see that you have some photos on your thread.