View Full Version : Compression and heat

10-04-2011, 09:53 PM
I wondering if hho will create too much compression for a regular gas car. I know diesel will be more reliable to put a hho setup because it has a higher compresive engine. Also, older diesels use heat instead of spark plugs to ignite the fuel. HHO will generate a lot of heat since this is more combustible than gasoline. Can someone share some evidence of compression and heat in their engine of a regular gasoline vehicle? I am just hesitating about even continuing with this project because of my concern for damage.

10-04-2011, 10:44 PM
What year/type of engine/car?

10-04-2011, 11:22 PM
Just say my car, a 2001 ford explorer sport track with a 4.0 L engine. What I am really trying to get at is all regular gas powered engines. I know that the amount of hho produced should be proportionate to the engine size.

10-05-2011, 06:21 PM
In the grand scheme of things, it does burn hotter but for a shorter duration, which actually works out to lower egt's. It doesn't change your compression any, and modern diesels still ignite by heat also.
The only way you'll damage anything is if you somehow leave the unit on with the engine not running, or you don't scrub your gas well enough before injecting it and residual KOH corrodes any aluminum parts...