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07-03-2011, 10:37 AM
My suggestion for a topic is instrumentation. From my experience using a scan gauge 2 I have found that until the engine warms up the millage is poor regardless of HHO ( although it may be improved). It also helps to pinpoint how weather affects millage. I would be interested to hear if there are other millage measuring units out there.

07-03-2011, 08:19 PM
Do you have an OBDII interface like Elmscan5, ODBPros, etc?

There is software available that will provide literally a TON of information as well as datalogging capabilities.

I've got a carpc in my vehicle and am setting up datalogging to take baseline readings before hho installation. Once that's done I plan on installing the hho and continuing the data logging, then apply the efie tweaks and log more data.

Not sure if anyone else has done this yet (I'd be surprised if not), but having a set of baseline data to compare to the addition of hho and the accompanying tweaks would be a great help to many. Albeit maybe for one vehicle being an '04 Nissan maxima....hopefully data results would be in the ballpark of other recent model vehicles.

07-05-2011, 04:28 PM
For me the Scan Gauge 2 is fine. The two interesting things are reduced fuel economy when the engine is cold and the mpg seems to vary with weather.