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04-02-2011, 03:15 PM
Hello im new to electrolysis, but i am a machinist, and very good at figuring things out and understanding them. with that being said im also an idea person(sometimes they are far stretched) but i have thought of a way to maybe increase the efficiency of using hho. I have learned that electrolysis is more effecient when the water is in steam form, i also have learned that it is less effecient under pressure(also unstable). Third i know that every form of energy produces waste usually in the form of heat. So i devised this engine or mechanism to maybe utilize all of the free energy items we have wether small or large. so a rundown of the "idea" i would like to place a piston in a sleve inside of the electrolysis chamber, using the hho to fire the piston. the hho would build pressure in the capsule, but using a magnetic solenoid i would direct the flow of electrolysis hopefully solving the lag caused by the built up pressure, then the heat that would build up would bring the water to a boil depending on the pressure i decide inside the capsul will determine the boiling point. After the water is boiling the steam pressure will be to much for the capsule so i devised a solution of using a pressure release valve, pipe the steam to a steam engine or through a turbine cool it down to water, then inject it into the piston to start a second cycle, so cycle one would be hydrogen, and cycle two would be water into the cylindar instantly turned into steam because of the heat, and pushes the cylindar down, pumped back out of the exhaust into the unit. the bubbler would be the outer most layer. so feel free to let me have it and call me an idiot, because i don't know or have any clue if this will work, but it is something i could easily machine, and shouldn't cost to much, i would also be building a mini one first. here is a pic, don't laugh i made it in 10 mins and it is not showing the top view yet. just don't want to go any further if im setting up for failure

04-03-2011, 03:03 AM

I've thought of many End Use power plants for HHO, but never thought of placing the cylinder within the generator itself.

My only question is what force will be used for starting the motor? Maybe I missed that in your drawing?


04-03-2011, 05:33 AM
two ways i have thought of starting the piston at tdc, inject the hho with pressure while igniting it forcing the piston down. Or use a starter like conventional engines, i liked the idea of having the cylindar inside to make use of waste heat. I am working on a solid works model as we speak i will post it either as a video or an image when i am finished. But i appreciate all imput and advice, as this is something i could machine complete in a weeks time, and i will make everything from the plastic housing to cylindar sleeve to maybe even carbide anode and cathode. i will use special plastic to withstand the pressure and heat produced as long as the chemical resistance.


04-03-2011, 06:22 AM
Hey Gabe,
Welcome to the forum. I like the concept, as it's one that a lot of us have tossed around in our heads from time to time- how to design an engine/motor/generator that runs on HHO and makes use of every aspect & characteristic of the fuel possible.
Two things to keep in mind-
Neo magnets have the characteristic of losing their magnetic properties at fairly low heats. I don't remember what the number is, just remember that it was surprisingly low. (A little research for you.)

Air (nitrogen) must be admitted to the combustion chamber if you want the mechanism to actually work like a piston engine. When straight HHO is ignited in a closed chamber, it explodes in a micro-second and only produces the water that was used to make it as exhaust. This is a strict volumetric function. What this ultimately means is -- yeah, it makes a hell of a bang, but instantly afterwards the space in that chamber that was taken up by HHO gas is now occupied only by the drop of water that was needed to make that much larger volume of gas, thus creating a very nice vacuum.
Perhaps now being aware of this property of the gas, you can use it to some advantage in a design. Keep thinking the big thoughts, and keep drawing them up and making notes to yourself, because there have been a hell of a lot more ideas, concepts and inventions made possible on this planet by inspired amateurs & tinkerers than have or ever will be by the "professionals". Best of luck and keep us posted!

04-03-2011, 06:42 AM
I did read about the explosion and implosion of hho, but after the implosion into the water molecule, the heat from the explosion should instantly convert the water into steam correct? thus expanding yet again? also the pressure of the hho starting the movement of the piston downword lets say a quater of the way, then the explosion would also force the piston downword correct? i would make an adjustable connection rod, and a adjustable crank shaft to play around with the stroke. maybe i could use a clutch on the camshaft to prevent the implosion from drawing the piston the other way untill its turned into steam. i will try to design it to make it as easy as possible to modify.


04-03-2011, 10:18 AM
I did read about the explosion and implosion of hho, but after the implosion into the water molecule, the heat from the explosion should instantly convert the water into steam correct? thus expanding yet again?

Theoretically, yes... But would there be enough heat at start-up to complete that cycle or would that conversion only be functional after there was some heat saturation of the piston and cylinder to support the steam after the flash, or how about the annoying habit of vacuum to rapidly condense water vapor into droplets? Not trying to rain on your idea at all- I like it, but this illustrates some areas needing more research.

-also the pressure of the hho starting the movement of the piston downword lets say a quater of the way, then the explosion would also force the piston downword correct?

Whatever distance downward the piston was forced by the HHO injection would be the base distance the piston was sucked back up during implosion phase after whatever farther distance it was forced down by the explosion.

i would make an adjustable connection rod, and a adjustable crank shaft to play around with the stroke. maybe i could use a clutch on the camshaft to prevent the implosion from drawing the piston the other way untill its turned into steam. i will try to design it to make it as easy as possible to modify.

Buddy, when you draw those up, I definitely want to see them! Best of luck...

04-03-2011, 10:45 AM
thank you :) this is exactly the help i was looking for, i will use the pressure from the hho to push the piston down, then ignite the hho at bottom dead center, and use reduction instead of combustion to pull the piston up the exhaust valve at the very end and force what water molecules are left out. so the power stroke will now be on the way up. as the heat builds up to the point that the water molecules are instantly turning to steam, maybe i could initiate a second cycle opening the exhaust valve every two strokes, down stroke inject hho, ignite at bottom, up stroke implosion, water molecules turn to steam, force piston back down, up stroke opens exhaust force steam out. then repeat. I have been working on the solid works model all day, will take some time to complete and assemble as i need to figure out the exact dimensions of every piece, and since i am not an engineer, just a machinist i don't know every formula off the top of my head :) so i do research as i go.

thanks keep it coming