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View Full Version : Plate dimensions

01-06-2011, 12:51 PM
There is a lot of conversation about the volts and amps, but what would be the limits of the plate dimensions?
For example, can i use a plate 30"*30" ?
or, 2"*4" ?
is there a "perfect size"?
Also, is it possible to get 6 to 8 lpm from 12 volts?

01-09-2011, 03:36 AM
Recently I have bought some cells from safehho.com
They provide cells with coated titanium plates, claiming that titanium is of zero wear, and has much bigger production with same plates size.
As I saw, its true, cause the plates on the cells were 9cm long and 5 cm wide, about 4" to 2".
The production of this cell was about 0,5 lpm at 35 amps.
The problem was, that it was boiling the water after 2 minutes.
The configuration of the plates was:
nn+-+-nn, Which i think is wrong, after reading many of your posts.
So, first of all, i need an advice for how putting the plates, and if they have any difference from ss plates.
Also, Tell me please, do you install efie plus maf enhancer to the vehicles? or just efie?

01-19-2011, 11:31 AM
Recently I have bought some cells from safehho.com
They provide cells with coated titanium plates, claiming that titanium is of zero wear, and has much bigger production with same plates size.
As I saw, its true, cause the plates on the cells were 9cm long and 5 cm wide, about 4" to 2".
The production of this cell was about 0,5 lpm at 35 amps.
The problem was, that it was boiling the water after 2 minutes.
The configuration of the plates was:
nn+-+-nn, Which i think is wrong, after reading many of your posts.
So, first of all, i need an advice for how putting the plates, and if they have any difference from ss plates.
Also, Tell me please, do you install efie plus maf enhancer to the vehicles? or just efie?

Ti coating does nothing. The wiring is ridiculous, to say the least! With 8 plates, it should be +NNNNNN-. At 35 amps., a decent reactor will put out at least 2LPM.