View Full Version : FuzzyTomCat Thanks for the good volunteer work

Roland Jacques
11-21-2010, 10:31 PM
I for one appreciate anyone who volunteers for a moderator job without pay. Even with pay i dont know if you could do a better job.
The time the site was down sucked, but hey stuff happens.

I do think you do have to error on the side of free speech for a forum to be a open forum.

I just want to thank you for the work you do. :)

Roland Jacques
11-21-2010, 10:32 PM
Oh yeah, what ever happened to Russ? AKA Painless?

11-23-2010, 12:23 PM
Oh yeah, what ever happened to Russ? AKA Painless?

Hi Roland,

Thanks for the kind words .... as for Russ, I have no clue where he went he's been missing from several forums now. I'll try to drop him a e-mail and see if he's ok.

Best Regards,