View Full Version : forum is blocked?

06-26-2010, 04:35 AM
hi all, im new here :)

found this forum at my work, spent a good coupple of hours reading here.
tried to access the forum at home later that day, but then i get a 404... through my mobile phone the site works fine... this post is made through my phone btw. is my ip somehow blocked? that would be strange since i just found this forum...

can anybody help?

06-27-2010, 01:31 AM
Hi glassie,
I can't give you an answer but you aren't alone in this. A few of us seem to go through weeks of similar error messages, then it works fine for a while, then not again.
I just catch up on my reading in the good times.

06-27-2010, 03:13 AM
Found a workaround for the problem...
I use a http proxy so I have a different URL.

Now I can read and write this forum.

Somebody has put ip addresses on a block list...

Now I can start doing my reading again :)