View Full Version : interesting design

02-18-2010, 01:49 PM
he might be right about the gas natural movement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=290LtMuvDJw

02-19-2010, 08:22 AM
That's a really interesting design with a good output. He is right about gas movement in dry cells. I just don't know how much of an impact having a cell that way would have on production, if any at all. In the cell he shows bubbles rise to the surface the same way as in open bath cells.

02-19-2010, 09:08 AM
That's a really interesting design with a good output. He is right about gas movement in dry cells. I just don't know how much of an impact having a cell that way would have on production, if any at all. In the cell he shows bubbles rise to the surface the same way as in open bath cells.

He is getting a lot of foaming but what I see is a lot of water vapor which would skew his gas reading. He may be right about the plumber's goop. I like his thinking about gas rising. linkintiger notice how his design also has the bolts outside the gaskets.

My little 3x7 21 plate unit put out just over 2 LPM with minimal steam, connected to a battery that did not give 13.5 volts. I did an actual test with my newly built (thanks to some members) eudiometer. I further cut any steam using a bubbler with a brass stone & vinegar.

You tube is kind of henke today, the videos usually work.
