View Full Version : KOH mixing

01-27-2010, 10:37 PM
Hello I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to achieve a 28% concentration of KOH to water. from what I understand 28% is what I want for the best HHO production. I have a 2 lb container of KOH flakes, I just need to know how much distiled water to mix it with, any info would be greatly appreciated.

01-28-2010, 12:34 AM
28% solution is best simply because it is the maximum concentration that can be dissolved in water. If you add more KOH, it will just sit on the bottom and won't dissolve. In other words, water saturates at 28% concentration.

In reality, the difference between a 10% concentration, and 28% concentration(with regards to electrical resistance) is very small. Many people use the 28% solution, but in my opinion, it's overkill and MUCH more dangerous than a lower concentration and slightly higher resistance.

To obtain this, you would measure out 28 grams of KOH, for every 720mL water. Since 280g + 720g(weight of 720mL of water) = 1,000g. Remember, this mixture will NOT be a nice even 1,000L, but will be significantly higher specific gravity(density) than regular water.

Since mL are hard to measure, you can always whip up the same mixture 1L quantities... For every liter of water, mix ~38g of KOH. Remember, this will be a little bit MORE than a liter of solution, but only slightly.