View Full Version : The way

07-28-2008, 12:19 AM
I've posted this before in other places so I'll post it here now.

If anyone makes a major breakthrough in free, or cost-free energy, it will be vital that you do not keep it a secret and attempt to patent it so you can make a billion bucks. Cheap production of hydrogen, massive amounts of hydrogen, has already been done in the past. If you look at the old patents you will see this. Stan Meyer is our most recent, but not the only, example of someone who achieved this and was shut down, his method lost to us. He was murdered to keep his method a secret so the rest of the world would not have free energy. This is serious stuff.

So, if you succeed in producing hydrogen in a cost-free manner, you will not be safe until your method becomes common knowledge, IMHO. The more people who can replicate your success the safer you become because it is no longer worth it to murder you as that will not stop the problem big oil is facing with a device that can put them out of business.

My advice would be to get the word out as swiftly as possible while trying to stay under the radar. This means no applying for patents or contacting news agencies so they can do a story on you. The minute either of these things happens you are on the radar and can expect to be dealt with by those who do not want the world to have clean, free energy. If it were me who came up with the breakthrough I would come up with a complete parts list for the device, assembly/conversion instructions, and a page stating my wish that anyone who gets these papers please make photo copies and give them away for free. My hope would be that regular people then take the parts list and assembly/conversion instructions to their local mechanic and implement this technology in their lives, all the while giving away the parts list, conversion/assembly plans, and the page asking that the technology be passed along free of charge.

In this way I believe the OPEC Cartel, or OPECKERS as I like to think of them, can be taken out of power within 10 years.

And you will not wind up making nothing off your invention. You will have more business than you can handle converting vehicles and generators to run on hydrogen for many years to come. There are people like us who will make a device like this themselves, but there are many more people who will pay someone to do it for them. It is these people who will need your knowledge and skills. And it is these people who will provide you with a very nice income for years and years. But only if you get your invention out into the public domain because if you are the only one who knows how to do it then murdering you will put an end to your invention. Don't make it worth "their" while to murder you the way they did with Stan Meyer.

There is no guarantee of safety with this method. I don't even know if it would really work. But it's the best I've been able to come up with to avoid the Powers That Be who will harm you and yours to keep the world dependent on oil.

I post this here because I believe it's possible that some of us will stumble upon the old technologies that have been suppressed in the past. If any of us do then please keep this post in mind and be very careful.

May God bless us all.