View Full Version : Leaks and Elimination!
06-04-2008, 03:41 AM
After having built a lot of different cells I found my biggest enemy to be the Hydrogen leak. Unlike air or other gases Hydrogen is very light and will find the smallest hole to creep through! It will even crawl up through a small bolt thread if it can! What I'm getting at here is that if you look as though you are getting a good production but your bubbler says otherwise, start looking for leaks! The way I check is to connect up the cell and run it, then block the outlet with your thumb and spray water around all the suspect spots, yes, even the terminals! You will soon see a small bubble if there is a leak. Then its time to get the silicone sealer out! All the best.....keep it up!;)
06-18-2008, 08:53 PM
Soapy water, use dishsoap. I am a gas measurement technician, use it all the time at work to detect leaks on gas services. Some gasolia with teflon on threaded fittings does good.
06-18-2008, 09:34 PM
Just don't use a match. My dad tried that on my first electrolyzer (I think I had $5 bucks in it) and that poor coffee can had no clue what happened to it.
06-23-2008, 02:03 PM
Just don't use a match. My dad tried that on my first electrolyzer (I think I had $5 bucks in it) and that poor coffee can had no clue what happened to it.
:DLOL that's funny:D:p
06-23-2008, 02:05 PM
porkchop is right dishsoap is the way to go it will make nice bubbles even with the smallest leak:)
08-13-2008, 02:01 PM
Leaks are a problem, but I don't get quite as worried about them as I once did. The HHO container is under vacuum while the motor is running, so as I see it, no HHO is lost.
I actually need a leak because my generator is drinking out of the bubbler (even with a check valve) after the unit is shut down and it begins to cool off. The hot gas and water cool down, contract and suck water out of the bubbler. It happens gradually, so the check valve doesn't have enough flow past it to react.
Does anyone else have this issue, or am I the only one... :confused:
08-13-2008, 10:14 PM
My bubbler/arrester circulates back into the HHO cell, SWEET , no issues:).
08-15-2008, 02:32 AM
I actually need a leak because my generator is drinking out of the bubbler (even with a check valve) after the unit is shut down and it begins to cool off. The hot gas and water cool down, contract and suck water out of the bubbler. It happens gradually, so the check valve doesn't have enough flow past it to react.
Does anyone else have this issue, or am I the only one... :confused:[/QUOTE]
I was looking at Smacks site & he has a pump refill system with a 1 way valve on his generator. He said that the pump wasn`t needed because the vacuum in the gen would draw water in as it cooled down. Would keep the generator full & the water in the bubbler.
10-26-2008, 06:35 PM
I stated in this in my intro, but I'll put it here since it seems more appropriate. Putting ring wax (the kind you use for toilets) in the threads seal leaks nicely. You can get it for less than $2.00 at Lowes.
10-26-2008, 09:25 PM
I stated in this in my intro, but I'll put it here since it seems more appropriate. Putting ring wax (the kind you use for toilets) in the threads seal leaks nicely. You can get it for less than $2.00 at Lowes.
That sounds like a good idea, Thanks