View Full Version : a little video i made of my system

09-06-2009, 11:54 AM
I made a little video because alot of people have been asking me what this HHO stuff is all about. so I did. I didnt go into great detail. just the basics to get more people to try it. have a laugh and check it out. :p


biggy boy
09-06-2009, 08:06 PM
Nice video man!

Are you in the band, that you have videos of?


09-06-2009, 09:06 PM
I was. I retired from that band (The Razorblade Dolls) about a year ago, they are still touring and recording. I stand in for the guy I picked to replace me from time to time when they are in town. It was some good times. And a little royalty check every month doesnt hurt either. Validation for the wife for spending so much $ on HHO scientific testing :p I can tell from your avitar you play. in a band? ever tour? email me rather then talking music on a HHO forum helz_mcfugly@yahoo.com

09-06-2009, 11:38 PM
Nice vid, Helz. I especially liked the Blair Witch Project feel on the close ups of yourself. Seriously, it was a good job.

I thought I was the only musician interested in this stuff, but apparently being a musician is a prerequisite around here. The place is crawlin' with 'em. :cool:

09-07-2009, 12:55 AM
It was an 80's metal band that got me into this. One of the guys lived beside a airplane graveyard in los Angeles and had access to tons of SS parts and he made a car that ran on, on demand hydrogen. i forget the name of the band he was in. I have the artical at work. Ill post it on here when i get back up there. he talkes about how the oil co told him bad things would happen if he was to try and market it so he just put together some blueprints and tried to drstribute them. he had to make everything in the engine SS. valves, exhaust, everything. and this was back in the 80's and he was like 19. Ill find the artical tuesday.

09-07-2009, 06:38 AM
Leave it to the rock-n-rollers to change the world...AGAIN!

I can't remember for sure, but I think I seen that article you're talking about before...somewhere...maybe...LOL

I was watching some of your music vids. The Razorblade Dolls were/are really good. A little too macabre theater for my taste, but the music was tight. I was impressed and I'm not easily impressed by musicians.

biggy boy
09-07-2009, 10:50 AM
Leave it to the rock-n-rollers to change the world...AGAIN!

Like Neil Young you mean?


I play guitar and a little bass, very little :p
No not in a band, just play for fun.

I started about two and a half years ago, take lessons every week.
It's lots of fun but trying sometimes.

The guitars and basses in my picture are ones that I have made.
Two lefties and a righty bass.
The right handers bass is fret-less, made it for an instructor.
also made a guitar for my instructor (not pictured). I had fun making the guitars. Plan on making more this winter.

09-07-2009, 02:48 PM
Like Neil Young you mean?

I would have to say John Lennon's "Imagine" has inspired just about everything I do. First time I ever heard it I though, he pretty much put everything I believe in, into song.