View Full Version : O2 extenders

07-18-2008, 04:51 PM
Have a thought on there design but not really sure if it matters. I made my own set after looking at some on ebay but after I had them made I got to wondering. Instead of the 1/2" hole (approximately) they drill for clearance would a smaller hole like maybe a 3/8" be better so it lets in even less or would it cause it not to switch anymore. Wondering if anyone else tested this before or not.

07-20-2008, 04:46 AM
not sure i am that stage to, i have a merc sprinter diesel turbo it has common rail injection. going to try a extender first. there are 5 wires coming out of sensor.

had another thought can you extend hose from air box down pass air flow sensor as after sensor is flexi rubber tube

cheers conrad