View Full Version : Help with voltage from battery

06-21-2009, 07:39 PM
This is my first build. I connected my relay and cell as instructed, but am only getting 0.43 Volts to both my relay and cell.

My switch has 2 blades, could the problem be that I wired the blades backwards?
It turns on and off just fine.


06-21-2009, 11:03 PM
This is my first build. I connected my relay and cell as instructed, but am only getting 0.43 Volts to both my relay and cell.

My switch has 2 blades, could the problem be that I wired the blades backwards?
It turns on and off just fine.


doesnt matter which blades u used on the switch.

now u should have the relay wired to the battery, than another to ground, one to the switch to turn on the relay, and one to the cell.

which wires do u have going where on the relay?? if u look close theres # on the relay like 86 and 87 and

06-22-2009, 02:54 AM
Thanx for getting back to me so quickly.

The relay is a White-Rodgers, 12 VDC, type 70, isolated coil.
It has two large connections out to the side and two smaller ones in front. The only #s I can see on it are on top above the smaller connects.
The right side is A5 and the left, A6. Right and left are as I face it...

I hooked it up with the right side large to HHO cell, left large to Batt+ with an inline audio fuse. The right side small goes to switch, A5, and the other to Batt-.
I thought that I might have connected to the wrong sides of the relay and switched them. Tested with voltmeter and got - readings, so switched them back.

My instructions also say that both small connects should get 0 readings and I get that same 0.43-0.46 reading on the switch connect.

I also get a reading across my battery terminals at the same level. Is this OK?

I'm a newbie and don't know 'nothing!


06-22-2009, 12:52 PM
ok seems like u got it hooked up right.

Does the relay make any noise or can u feel a thud when u turn the switch on?

and did u check to make sure u have power at the switch when u turn it on?

06-22-2009, 05:24 PM
Yes, I get a click from the relay and when the switch is off, there's no voltage at all.
I emailed the guy I got this kit from last night and he said the switch was wired wrong. He suggested disconnecting the switch wire at the relay to see if I get full voltage.
Does that sound right to you?


06-22-2009, 06:31 PM
Well, I just tried disconnecting the switch from the relay and got zip readings.
Then tried changing the connections at the switch and got no readings anywhere - except at the switch connection at the relay. Got the old 0.43 volts there.



06-22-2009, 09:08 PM
Well, I just tried disconnecting the switch from the relay and got zip readings.
Then tried changing the connections at the switch and got no readings anywhere - except at the switch connection at the relay. Got the old 0.43 volts there.



Sorry, the only way someone can help you is for you to make a drawing of what your doing, and how you have it hooked up i can't figure what your doing

Here is my advice to you

first connect your cell up to the battery with out a relay, make sure its working.

Next cut the plus wire from the battery put one side to one fat terminal on the relay.

next connect the other half of the plus wire to the other fat terminal of the relay

Now nothing is suppose to work!

now you should have two other connections to the relay or one with the metal case as the other

Tie one to ground of the car or connect the metal case to metal on the car

tie the other to a switched 12 volt point were there is only 12 volts there with the car running



06-22-2009, 09:38 PM
Well, I just tried disconnecting the switch from the relay and got zip readings.
Then tried changing the connections at the switch and got no readings anywhere - except at the switch connection at the relay. Got the old 0.43 volts there.



ok if u disconnect the switch wire at the relay is ther power at the wire u disconnected when the switch is on or off?

06-22-2009, 09:47 PM
ok if u disconnect the switch wire at the relay is ther power at the wire u disconnected when the switch is on or off?

check pic to see how to check power.

06-23-2009, 01:54 AM
I checked the pic. Haven't tried that test yet.
I blew the fuse today accidentally. Have to wait till Thursday to get to a store in Canada and pick up more fuses. Will check the connect then.

06-25-2009, 08:47 PM
To "MyToyotaSucks"

I checked the voltage per your pic.
Got 0.41 when switch was on. Is this good or bad?


06-26-2009, 01:49 AM
To "MyToyotaSucks"

I checked the voltage per your pic.
Got 0.41 when switch was on. Is this good or bad?


this is bad, u need 12 volts or more.

There was 2 places to check power in the pic, did u check both??

06-26-2009, 02:52 AM
Yes, I get 12 volts at the switch end

06-26-2009, 12:01 PM
Yes, I get 12 volts at the switch end

Bad switch, by pass it

06-26-2009, 01:55 PM
Thanx. Kind of thought that after testing.

06-26-2009, 02:58 PM
I don't get this!:mad: Last night I got 12 volts off the line from the fuse panel to the switch. Today, I'm getting a half a volt again, and I checked the radio fuse only got a half there too.
What's going on? Anybody!


06-27-2009, 11:25 AM
I don't get this!:mad: Last night I got 12 volts off the line from the fuse panel to the switch. Today, I'm getting a half a volt again, and I checked the radio fuse only got a half there too.
What's going on? Anybody!


Bad meter or test leads