View Full Version : some questions?

05-18-2009, 01:33 PM
Hello, to all, congratulation for such a great site.
I am A canadian, currently leaving in Colombia, S.A. I have experimenting for 3 months so far with a few conclutions, Dry cells are better, there IS NOT 316SS here so I got to work with 304SS cells,
Currently I am using:
a 9 plates 5' 0.8 mm of my desing like this: -NNN+NNN- (moving into 0.9mm) with:
2 holes of 12mm, O-rings of 4 inchs of diferent width ( since those are scare and apart)
Baking soda with mix results. (fortunately KOH is easy to find with no restriccions here in Colombia; so moving into it, as I veĀ“ been reading on this forum ) (So it is easy to find pure Caustic Soda (SOH)
Any recomendationh of the type and sides of the of orings/ plates?; so what will be the distance recoemended betwen each cell??
Does the tickness of the plates afect AMPS?? )
Destilled Alcohool works? ( easy to find here
Thanks for the info and recomendations and please forgive me if I overwelm you with questions