View Full Version : Obama Kills Hydrogen Car Funding

05-17-2009, 09:52 PM


05-17-2009, 11:30 PM

I have to admit that I was shocked to see the title and read the truth, he did campaign on a promise to get us away from our very troublesome and costly reliance on oil.

Storage of Hydrogen will always be a problem, until the on demand systems can get straightened out and produced in mass, we have no need to follow hydrogen as the main focus of our future energy independence IMO. There are people out there working on home heating units/etc. Right here on this board are a few. The final chapter has yet to be written. I hope it becomes a major part of our energy future, its something we can produce here in the USA. How often do you hear that anymore.

Thanks for the article,


05-17-2009, 11:36 PM

I have to admit that I was shocked to see the title and read the truth, he did campaign on a promise to get us away from our very troublesome and costly reliance on oil.

Storage of Hydrogen will always be a problem, until the on demand systems can get straightened out and produced in mass, we have no need to follow hydrogen as the main focus of our future energy independence IMO. There are people out there working on home heating units/etc. Right here on this board are a few. The final chapter has yet to be written. I hope it becomes a major part of our energy future, its something we can produce here in the USA. How often do you hear that anymore.

Thanks for the article,


But that don't mean we have to drill for oil, and suck up to big oil and rich Arabs

Big oil has tried to brain wash us into thinking we must drill for oil

05-18-2009, 12:04 AM
I'd like to see a "energy task force" to compete w/big oil. That would rattle some cages. If they refuse to drill where we give them rights to, then our ETF would glady drill there and make it profitable and self serving by creating local jobs.

They're so used to getting what they want that I'm not sure they would change even if it was benneficial to them. As soon as they have too much capacity, they shut a plant down for "maintenance". They're like the ENRON of economics. Theres too much collusion amongst them to get a concerted effort towards other energy resources. They might be doing some, but its clearly not enough. Get another area of the economy to compete w/them, prices would naturally go down...but keep the pressure on for CLEAN ENERGY. The earth deserves it.

Drill baby drill was an example of big oils influence and mindset...find a catch phrase to defeat plain logic.


05-18-2009, 01:25 AM
I'd like to see a "energy task force" to compete w/big oil. That would rattle some cages. If they refuse to drill where we give them rights to, then our ETF would glady drill there and make it profitable and self serving by creating local jobs.

They're so used to getting what they want that I'm not sure they would change even if it was benneficial to them. As soon as they have too much capacity, they shut a plant down for "maintenance". They're like the ENRON of economics. Theres too much collusion amongst them to get a concerted effort towards other energy resources. They might be doing some, but its clearly not enough. Get another area of the economy to compete w/them, prices would naturally go down...but keep the pressure on for CLEAN ENERGY. The earth deserves it.

Drill baby drill was an example of big oils influence and mindset...find a catch phrase to defeat plain logic.


"Grow it baby, grow it" make new jobs for Americans, screw the Arabs with their oil, they can stick it up their asses

05-19-2009, 12:52 AM
check out lindsay williams on youtube. Good stuff.
There's nine parts so watch 'em all.

05-19-2009, 12:23 PM
check out lindsay williams on youtube. Good stuff.
There's nine parts so watch 'em all.

I know its all bull**** to make us pay more, but we can grow it cheaper and clean the air up, all that carbon can't be good for our health

05-19-2009, 09:39 PM
Yep were on our own. That's why forum's like this are great. keep it spreading.

05-19-2009, 09:52 PM
check out lindsay williams on youtube. Good stuff.
There's nine parts so watch 'em all. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.imagedumpr.com/up/pages/3808/info.html"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.imagedumpr.com/up/pages/3808/info.html" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>


10-13-2009, 11:13 PM
I'm not against big oil at all, I'm not here to put a dent in pollution, although thats a great benifit, and if somone else is here to reduce pollution great, I'm here to keep money in my pocket.

Oil will "Always" be part of the modern world, at least untill we figure out how to make keyboards, paint, plastics, etc,etc,etc, the list is endless where oil and it's by products will be needed for the forseeable future. The "Emense" costs of oil exploration and refining are bigger than most tree huggers choose to look at. Yes oil is expensive, ............. if the world was turned upside down tomorrow and an invention came up that cut the sales of gasoline, diesel, and natural gas in half, ................ either the costs of the byproducts of the oil industry would have to compensate for the loss of sales of the end of fuel or the business "All" production of oil would stop. Think for a minute about what the results of this would be in your own personal world, the world you interact with on a daily basis, the world between your home and your daily travels, and then back home, 99.9 percent of everything you touch, see, eat, everyday has been delivered by or created through the use of oil, ................ heck, even the very plastics, metals, and catalyst chemicals we are, or will use to make an HHO generator have a direct link, and wouldn't be possible without oil and it's millions of by products.

Yes I would like to see us find ways to move away from the current use, yet I have no "Hatred" towards oil or the corporations that make money from it. This "Hatred" is so evident in some of the comments posted in this forum.

The only problem with hatred is it's like preparing poison for your enemy, then drinking your own poison, it only hurts/damages yourself, and only an idiot would drink his own poison, ......... right ?

10-14-2009, 07:08 PM
"Grow it baby, grow it" make new jobs for Americans, screw the Arabs with their oil, they can stick it up their asses

Grow what?? I hope you're not one of those Ethanol from Corn fanatics..

Hemp would be a great source of Ethanol and even oil.

01-23-2010, 12:36 AM
Why does governments and the midia seems to prefer the option of using HHO cells to generate electricity in electric cars, instead of burning the HHO in the combustion motors?

Looks like they tend to give up on HHO cars because the electricity produced by cells seem insuficient, while burning the HHO seems so powerful...

Maybe there is some interest in selling fuel cells, to convert to electricity, instead of allowing a citizen to fuel with water and produce its own HHO in his own dry cells on-demand...

Once our cells manage to produce the necessary LPM to fuel at least 50% of our internal combustion engine needs, we will be happy, while those driving a car with lots of batteries and eletricity generating hydrogen cells will always be disapointed with the electric-HHO car performance...

Every politician that rides a fuel cell electric car seems to be disapointed... why not give the HHO combustion a chance?

01-23-2010, 11:54 AM
Although it is disappointing it should have been expected. The reasoning that the money was stripped because the president and Steven Chu, his energy secretary, said hydrogen fueled cars are still decades away and that they'd rather concentrate on more immediate energy-saving solutions is disconcerting yet sound.
Their big argument is untold billions would be needed to build an infrastructure of hydrogen pipelines and fueling stations. Other problems include hydrogen storage and the production of hydrogen.

This is my reasoning, In his State of the Union address in 2003, President Bush announced a $1.2 billion Freedom Fuel initiative to reverse America?s growing dependence on foreign oil by developing the technology for commercially viable hydrogen-powered fuel cells to power cars, trucks, homes and businesses with no pollution or greenhouse gases. The Freedom Fuel initiative will include $720 million in new funding over the next five years to develop the technologies and infrastructure to produce, store, and distribute hydrogen for use in fuel cell vehicles and electricity generation.
Now that was 7 years ago, and we really are no closer to having a storage & delivery system than we were then.
So the big question is not why did Obama kill the Hydrogen Car funding to save $100 million a year but where did the last 7 years (or $700 million) of funding go? Certainly not to pull us away from foreign oil dependency!!!

01-23-2010, 07:10 PM
"billions would be needed to build an infrastructure of hydrogen pipelines and fueling stations... storage and the production..."

You're absolutelly right, but those statements show how they never consider the possibility of on-demand production as we are currently trying; meaning that they are absolutelly wrong, or we are.

I guess they are always interested in selling the hydrogen or the hho-fueled electric cells.

Everytime I burn a hydrogen flame I keep thinking we are in the right track. HHO on demand - no pipelines, no fueling stations, no storage, only on-demand production... or is it so unreachable and we didn't notice it yet?

01-23-2010, 08:55 PM
Guys, You have to look at the big picture of energy. All the different ways we and others come up with to find and use alternative energy is great but not ready for prime time players yet. Our country's oil supply isn't being tapped into for a very good reason, in the grand skeam of things. Our natural gas supply will last us for at least 100 years and that's with the estimated use increase over those 100 years and were finding more every day. The same goes for our oil. We have more reserves than all of Saudi Arabia, all being saved for when we need it. When they run out.