View Full Version : Smack's new 7.7 MMW cell seems a little weird

Roland Jacques
04-21-2009, 09:15 AM

1. The return from reservoir and the gas out next to each other at the top on one side.
2. The plates have no holes other than at 3 the top.

So for fresh/cool electrolyte (with correct concentration of KOH) to reach the far side it has to do some kind of acrobats

So wouldn't that make one side hotter than the other?
Wouldn't that also make the electrolyte more concentrated on one side than the other? (As the H2O breaks and leaves that side of the cell)

But he reports that he cell rocks at +7MMW and less than 110 degrees

Roland Jacques
04-21-2009, 09:43 AM
Never mind. The return tube apparently does go to each cell individually

While on the smack subject. Anyone no what internal magnetic field alignment is? and how they have that on SS? According to his video all his cells now come with "magnetic field alignment".