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View Full Version : Heel from HHO Games & Exposition

07-05-2008, 12:54 PM
Hello, everyone! I think by now most of you have already heard about the upcoming HHO Games & Exposition set for Nov. 11-14 (and possibly to be extended) at Legends BaY at IMG Academies in Bradenton, FL. You can read about the Expo, the site and the various opportunities at hhogames.com, aka, hhocarshow,com. If you have not heard about it, consider this your invitation to attend! We are trying to bring together imnventors and designers like yourselves with auto parts manufacturers and HHO kit/accessories vendors and the general public in a mile-long space on Sarasota Bay starting on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. We will have seminars, speeches and workshops and beautiful homes for private meetings. We are grateful to Ruben-Holland Development and its principals, Wayne and Aaron Ruben, for the opportunity to make a real difference in this nation's future by introducing before worldwide media and the general public a practical, present and low-cost, low-tech solution to this nation's energy crisis - and not a temporary but a permanent solution.

This event is a non-profit public service of The American Reporter (started April 10, 1995, it was the first daily newspaoper to originate online, and won the 1996 US Supreme Court case Shea v Reno that stopped government censorship of the Internet), and whaterver other sponsors we can find.

Pricing: Inventors/designers with working kits to demonstrate get 750 sq ft of space free, and we are prepared for 45 of them,. People that just want to show cars with HHO kits installed get in for $10 and have 500 sq ft of space. No driving is permitted on the lawns of these homesites, but you can pull your car up onto the lawn and have it running there. Vendors of HHO gear and accessories get 500 sq ft and pay $200 for the first day and are free for the rest of the Expo. We also invite food and novelty - HHO t-shirts, etc. coffee cups, etc. - vendors and they are $150. Reservations for space should be made after consulting the site plan, picking a desired space and alternatives (about 10 are already taken), and making payment via credit card on PayPal.

I also plan to have an HHO Summit in August for the some of the same inventors. We plan to pay for hotel rooms for these folks, whom I'm sure would include many on this forum. We are hoping 40 inventors/designers will attend. It will be a one-day affair at something like the Comfort Inn in Sarasota/Bradenton close to the SRQ Int'l Airport. Please write me or call me with respect to that' the info is at the bottom of the hhogames.com Website.

I'd like to depart for a minute from these comments to tell you that I had a vision in a dream this morning. I was standing, apparently on a modest elevation, looking down on a broad green plaza with a square white building with a smaller square, cube-like tower centered on the second level. At first I thought it was a modernist mosque, with sides of the the major lower space slightly slanted, and the white block structure above it like a modernist minaret, reminiscent of an Incan altar. From all four directions there were sidewalks through the grass leading into all four sides. Upon awakening, I realized that it might be a hydrogen power utility of the future, or an excellent form for the next-generation HHO generator. In this arrangement, the reservoir would be in the lower space, and a secondary power source would be solar panels in the box above. Let's presume that two of the sidewalks were power cables going in to the lectrodes (I had that sense of it) and the other two were pipes bringing in water and electrolytes and bringing out hydrogen. Inside, electrodes - say a 3/4" x 7" bar as in John Aarons videos at hhovideo.org - would face one another across each side of the square, as at four sides of a compass, while they sat in a raised clear reservoir of water and electrolytes. Anyway, this was a vision of the future, something I saw in a dream - which I am sure I will see again. I though the material from which the whole building was made was some sort of white ceramic or porcelain. Well, old men shall dream dreams and young men shall have visions... See ya in Bradenton!:)

07-09-2008, 02:49 PM
Hey all, I'm checking the legitimacy of this thing. I called IMG Acadamies to see if indeed this event is actually going to go on. So far the lady I spoke to in Legends Bay Real Estate said she didn't know of any event in November like this, but will contact me back. I'll let you all know when she emails me back.

08-27-2008, 01:51 PM
Made another call to IMG Academies to ask if they even know of this event. Unfortunately all I can get are either people who have to ask someone else before they can get back to me, or I get voicemail. So, I've left a vmail and I'm waiting on a response. Aggravating.