View Full Version : What is yalls mixing ratio for your dry cells?

02-11-2009, 09:40 AM
I have a 21 plates dry cell and i am getting ready to install it. My question is what is your mixtures ratio of electrotlye to water and what is the amps being pulled from it? If you could be be your input that would be great.

02-11-2009, 10:18 AM
I have a 21 plates dry cell and i am getting ready to install it. My question is what is your mixtures ratio of electrotlye to water and what is the amps being pulled from it? If you could be be your input that would be great.

I use 20%.

Take 16 oz of RO or distilled water and add 4 oz by weight of KOH.

4 in 20 is 20%.

Amps is dependent upon plate sizes, number, gap spacings, connections, etc.

Dual 7 plate 6x6 Amoeba Cell with 0.050 is drawing 20-25 A.



02-11-2009, 12:38 PM
As Stu correctly pointed out, amp draw with a particular KOH level will depend upon design.

I suggest you start at about 2 teaspoons of KOH in a gallon of water and work your way up until you achieve your desired amp draw.

Even better, if you want to go this route, install a PWM and use a maximum strength (28% by weight) solution of KOH then use the PWM to control amps.

Good luck! Don't forget to tell us all about your results.


02-11-2009, 02:12 PM

Thanks for the revisit to the start up solution for a dry cell. Isn't the 28% solution what
H2OPWR uses for freeze protection in Alaska? I believe he adds alcohol for even the coldest of temps. Winters almost done here in the midwest, and I want to make sure I have easy access to draining and refilling of my cell and reservoirs. I would rather run the lower strength KOH in the summer, then a freeze protection formula in the winter months.

Its been my experience w/the water4gas cells that they work very well in the warmer temps., but come winter they are much more slow and unresponsive. I assume the same would be true of a dry cell. Staying truer to a KOH/deionized water solution, where the DI is of the higher % would work much better in warmer/hot temps. Agree?


02-11-2009, 03:51 PM
Ok i have a 4x6 inch cell that is 21 plates with about 1/16 inch gap if not alittle smaller. I am shooting for around 2 lpm out of my cell and not going over 30 amps. Do yall think i will be able to achieve this?

02-11-2009, 03:56 PM
Ok i have a 4x6 inch cell that is 21 plates with about 1/16 inch gap if not alittle smaller. I am shooting for around 2 lpm out of my cell and not going over 30 amps. Do yall think i will be able to achieve this?

At 13.8 volts and 30 amps you would have to acheive an effeciency of 4.83 MMW to get the 2lpm. And with a good cell design that is very acheivable.


02-11-2009, 04:06 PM
If i increased the plates to 32 plates, can i get around 3 lpm or is building a bigger cell (6x6) a better idea?