View Full Version : Mega HHO SITE,,,,,please read

01-25-2009, 08:46 AM
first of all we want to indroduce ourselves to all!!
we are HYDROXYNOW!!!!!

we are trying to build a hydroxy mega site where everybody is welcome
and can come to one site for everything
information ,history of hho, parts,services, general hho talk ,share ideas
step by step videos,how to's , free plans, links ect,,,,,,we could use the publics help , please send us tips and information you think would be useful on our site,,or if you have a website and products also ,we would love to post them on our site,,,lets all come together and make a giant site with everything hho,
drop us a line at hydroxynow@live.com or through our website at www.hydroxynow.ca
thanks for everyones help so far take care and be safe!!!!!!!


01-25-2009, 11:42 AM
Not bad.

I noticed you have a page dedicated to safety up front. That is good, but you are missing any information about Hexavalent Chromium. If you are not familiar with this then you need to educate yourself. The problem arises when we use stainless steel in an electrolysis environment. Hexavalent Chromium or Cr(VI) is really bad stuff. The movie Erin Brokovich shows just how bad this stuff is.

There are two methods for proper disposal. 1) label it and take it to your local hazmat collection point. 2) find some way to convert the Cr(VI) into the safer Cr(III)


Unless you have done the second and tested safe, please don't dump your electrolyte down the drain.