View Full Version : Come to a dead end.......

06-28-2008, 10:08 PM
Ok,ive made about 6 different electrode configurations ranging from two single plates 100mmx50mm about 10mm apart,the archie blue cell,and 12plate cell 100mmx50mm plates about 3mm apart +/- every other ,this one has also been split to 11 plates with +nnnn-nnnn+ .
ive done loads of tests using deionised water and baking soda and so far all the configurations seem to produce the same volume of gas per amperage,im trying to limit it to 10amps but im only getting about 200ml of gas from 10 amps after 1min using the two plate or the multiplate design.
i dont seem to be able to up gas production to anywhere near 500ml per min without getting up over 20amps,i really need some help to move me on to the next step.
I can supply more info on my findings to anyone that needs it.

06-28-2008, 10:41 PM
See this thread its explains how to make a single multiple cell container. http://www.hhoforums.com/showthread.php?t=40
You could also make 2 cells and run them in series. It will lower the voltage accross both cells.
My most current product is a 9 plate cell arranged as +nnn-nnn+, the plates are at a 1.5mm spacing. At 9 amps it produces .7 lpm approximately. It took 33 seconds to fill a 355ml bottle. The design is made from polycarbonate plastic with dimensions of 6"x6"x10". It holds 1 US gallon of water and can run for long periods. It ran for over 2hours today and only reached a temp of 117°F. I plan to make 4 of these cells for my truck.

06-28-2008, 11:30 PM
thanks for the reply ,so what size are the plates in your new cell ?

06-28-2008, 11:39 PM
6 ea 3"x6" and 3 ea 3"x7". The longer ones are where the electrical connections are made.

06-29-2008, 01:28 AM
ok,so can i ask you a few points,
what sort of elecrolyte are you using
how thick is the plate material
do you think you need a large surface area for the gas to escape from the water as i think my tests are using a jar and the top surface area of the water is not great aas your box is 6" by 10" you have got a larger area for the gas to escape.
we have just experimented with soft water and caustic soda and got a lot of gas but after about 10 secs the amps fall rapidly from 20 to about 11 as if the water is saturated and the gas cant escape.
what do you reckon
Cheers for your help.....