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View Full Version : Destilled water only!!! Is this the missing link?

10-02-2008, 12:10 PM

So they claim.Is anyone build one of the S.M.?

Any experience?
Should I drop my plate based projects and start messing around with tube designs?

Just water will be safer for engine.
No electrolyte needed.
I see lot of pros in this subject.

10-08-2008, 01:28 PM
Distilled water only freezes too easily in Winter, and will crack PVC housings just like un-insulated PVC water pipes freeze and break during Winter.

Distilled water only makes electrode design more difficult. Electrolyte solutions make HHO systems much more user-friendly!

10-15-2008, 03:57 PM
Distilled water only freezes too easily in Winter, and will crack PVC housings just like un-insulated PVC water pipes freeze and break during Winter.

Distilled water only makes electrode design more difficult. Electrolyte solutions make HHO systems much more user-friendly!

Distilled water is not a conductor. You simply will not get current to flow through distilled water alone. You would have to create a short between the plates that would allow some current bur not muck to polarize the plates. Even then tou would be very inefficient.

10-16-2008, 09:11 AM
Look @ the link in my first post.
I could be tap water .