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View Full Version : Why the stalling?

04-09-2008, 05:31 PM
I just saw the video on Youtube.com "Water Power", and if this is as great as it looks, why aren't we using this process in our daily lives? Why do we still use explodable gas when we can use this miracle water based fuel? Does the oil tycoon have control over this or something?

04-12-2008, 08:22 PM
OK it is very long thing, fist have the gov make maney out of petrol 91% is tax
it way fist car build on water 1976 the man hu ever build is been killd by petrol companeys.
and this gas is not save thing if you don't no what are you doing it can put your rufth out of your house very carefull do many research then do what yoiu can but shear whit as you never now hou can make the best

05-20-2008, 11:07 PM
I just saw the video on Youtube.com "Water Power", and if this is as great as it looks, why aren't we using this process in our daily lives? Why do we still use explodable gas when we can use this miracle water based fuel? Does the oil tycoon have control over this or something?

I believe it comes down to something very simple: Money and Greed. Here's my theory:

It's obvious the oil companies do not want to buy in on this, why would they? The government is made up of individuals of congressmen and senators. Lobbyists are paid to "convince" congressmen and senators of the point of view that big oil companies want to put forward. In the end, money talks. Congressmen and senators get paid off to make sure that no legislation is put forth to put pressure on auto makers for increasing fuel mileage, to create legislation to fund alternative fuels on a serious level, or any other fuel related legislation that would in turn reduce profits of oil companies.

It's hilarious to watch commercials of these oil companies like BP and Exxon when they talk about investing a few billion over five years on alternative energy sources. It's especially hilarious when you consider these same companies are making hundreds of billions in the same time frame. On top of that, they get tax breaks on researching alternative energy sources. So the 5 billion of 100 billion they invest, comes right back to them in the form of tax breaks.

Additionally, about a month congress called some large oil execs in "on the carpet" and asked why oil companies should be allowed to make the ridiculous profit margins that they are making when it is hurting the economy. Of course big oil execs tried to downplay their earnings. NEXT, congress asked if the oil companies would be willing to forfeit their tax breaks over the next decade or so!

Excuse me? Our government ASKS an industry if they want to give up their tax breaks. Look, when the government wants to quit giving me a tax "break" they don't ask me or give me an option. What a load of crap! In response, the oil companies said that giving up their tax breaks would then drive up their costs and those costs would be passed on to us the consumers. Imagine that.

Link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/04/01/MNU7VU217.DTL

It's a complete scandal, bottom line.